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Loyaty A Trip to Fort Collins

“Inside the GB School, Master Carlos Gracie Jr. doesn’t limit his teaching to techniques, but also forming character. From the beginning he instills us with the understanding that the fundamentals for good Jiu-Jitsu are also fundamentals of good character. Without honesty, integrity, discipline and unselfish acts, one cannot become the great athlete he or she strives to be. As Master Carlos teaches us, if you want to truly know someone, pay attention to them as they fight. When one is engaged in struggle or combat, they cannot hide their true personality.”

Training Jiu-Jitsu isn’t just about learning a sport, it goes much deeper than that. We learn life skills to navigate change, disappointment, success, challenges, and everything in between.

Why did we go to Gracie Barra Fort Collins?

So why in September would Rodrigo, his family, and a part of his team travel to Colorado so he could receive his stripe? Why go to the trouble? Loyalty. Loyalty to his Professor that helped teach him these values of brotherhood, integrity, and development. Even though he has not trained directly under Professor Jefferson Moura for years he still looks to him as His Professor. He still calls him to ask for advice when he has questions about work, Jiu-Jitsu, life. This relationship of trust was developed through time. Time training on the mat as well as talking off the mat. He knew that His Professor was invested in him and wanted him to succeed. This gave Rodrigo courage to keep moving forward, to not give up! Loyalty was a natural consequence.

What an exciting day it was for the small part of our team to witness this stripe being awarded. But then in turn our Professor Rodrigo awarded a Black Belt to Michel Gonzalez, keeping the legacy of Master Carlos Gracie Jr. alive. Suzie was surprised to receive her Purple Belt, Dani her Blue Belt, and Pedro his Orange Belt. Everyone at a different level but everyone on the same path to Black Belt. With these advancements comes trust and loyalty to the Professor who is guiding them on this journey